Sceletium Turtuosum

Kanna | Kougoed | Channa


The name “Sceletium” is derived from the Latin word “sceletus,” which means “skeleton” or “dried-up.” This name is likely in reference to the plant’s dried appearance, as well as its traditional use in herbal preparations.
Sceletium, a botanical gem, elevates its significance beyond ornamental allure, extending into commercial, health, and cultivation spheres. Revered for its unique properties, this succulent transcends traditional roles to become a versatile resource in modern contexts.
Sceletium tortuosum is characterized by its fleshy, finger-like leaves and distinctive trailing stems. Its flowers, small and inconspicuous, belie the plant’s remarkable attributes. Known for its resilience in harsh climates, this succulent thrives in sandy, well-draining soils, reflecting its natural habitat in the semi-desert landscapes.


Kanna, also known as Sceletium, has a rich history deeply woven into the cultural fabric of Southern Africa. Indigenous communities have revered Kanna for generations, incorporating it into traditional rituals for its psychoactive properties and medicinal benefits. The plant’s resilience in arid landscapes made it a valuable resource for various tribes.

Historically used to induce altered states of consciousness and enhance mood, Kanna played a vital role in ancient ceremonies.  As Kanna transcends its historical roots, it finds a place in modern wellness practices, offering a bridge between traditional wisdom and contemporary well-being.

The name “Kanna” is of Khoikhoi origin, one of the indigenous languages of the South African region. The Khoikhoi people are among the traditional users of Sceletium Tortuosum. “Kanna” is believed to mean “something to chew” or “chewable substance” in the Khoikhoi language, reflecting the traditional method of preparing the plant by chewing its leaves or roots.

Modern Applications

Modern enthusiasts have embraced Sceletium tortuosum for its potential benefits, including stress and anxiety reduction. Many users report a subtle euphoria and improved mood after consuming extracts or dried material. Additionally, its traditional applications for appetite suppression and cognitive enhancement have piqued the interest of those seeking natural alternatives for well-being.

Whether used in its raw form, as a tea, or in extract supplements, Sceletium tortuosum continues to weave its soothing influence on those who explore the depths of its ancient legacy. As interest in natural remedies grows, this unassuming succulent stands as a testament to the wisdom embedded in traditional plant knowledge, offering a tranquil escape in the embrace of nature’s bounty.

The therapeutic effects of Sceletium can be attributed to its unique blend of alkaloids, mesembrine being the most notable. Mesembrine acts as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, influencing neurotransmitter levels in the brain. This interaction is believed to contribute to Sceletium’s mood-enhancing and anxiolytic properties, making it a promising natural remedy for those seeking alternatives to conventional pharmaceuticals.

How it works

Serotonin Reuptake Inhibition

Foremost among Sceletium’s pharmacological actions is its capacity to inhibit the reuptake of serotonin. This neurotransmitter, pivotal in mood regulation, undergoes modulation through Sceletium-mediated mechanisms, potentially engendering mood-elevating effects.

Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) Inhibition

Sceletium has exhibited inhibitory effects on phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4), an enzyme integral to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) breakdown. By impeding PDE4, Sceletium may augment cAMP levels, instigating downstream effects with anti-inflammatory and cognitive-enhancing implications.


Stress and Anxiety Reduction
Scientific studies, such as those highlighted in various articles, suggest that the plant may indeed hold promise in alleviating stress and anxiety. The serotonin reuptake inhibition exhibited by Sceletium is implicated in its potential to modulate mood, offering a natural alternative for those seeking relief from these common afflictions.
Mood Enhancement
Central to Sceletium's acclaim is its role in enhancing mood. By influencing serotonin levels in the brain, the plant exhibits antidepressant-like effects. Studies provides insights into the modulation of serotonin reuptake, substantiating the traditional use of Sceletium for mood elevation.
Cognitive Functionality
Emerging evidence indicates that Sceletium may positively impact cognitive function. The inhibition of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) by Sceletium, elucidated in various studies 4, suggests potential cognitive enhancement, fostering interest in its applications for memory and learning.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Sceletium's interaction with PDE4 may extend beyond cognitive realms, as noted in a few studies, This aspect of Sceletium's pharmacology introduces intriguing prospects for research into its role in inflammatory conditions.
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Usage guide & Dosage Considerations

Sceletium is commonly consumed in various forms, including teas, tinctures, and capsules. Traditional methods involve chewing the fresh plant material or preparing it as a fermented powder. Dosage recommendations vary, and it is essential to follow guidelines provided by experienced herbalists or practitioners. As with any herbal remedy, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable, especially for those with pre-existing medical conditions or taking other medications.


Read Packaging to ensure the Alkaloid content of the product. The mg is not relevant if there is 0% alkaloids. An Alkaloid level of 0.8% and more is recommended.

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